Question 1

  1. Reverse Proxy, there is something called a server name and proxy pass. Describe server name and proxy pass definations in server file


Sever Name

Server name is the address that people enter in their browsers to visit the site they want to visit. Just like a fingerprint, each particular website has its own unique domain name and the same name cannot be used on other web pages.


Proxy pass

Proxy pass defines the backend server or application to which NGINX should forward requests for processing. In your configuration, NGINX is set up to handle requests for and proxy them to a server running on localhost:8069.


Question 2

  1. Show JWT token login process. Split browser screen, to show that it needs authentication also decode the cookie.


Question 3

  1. Security Config: explain security config rules required for access in spring boot, provide request matcher that shows permit, and request matcher that shows authentication required


Question 4

  1. POJO


Question 5

  1. Describe the docker process for update of application. 0.9 img